Spa & Wellness Industry is one of the fastest growing tourism branches


Iztok Altbauer, managing director of Slovenian Spas Association

The Spa and Wellness industry is one of the fastest growing tourism branches, since the awareness and care for one’s wellbeing, balance of mind and body, programs for prevention, selfness or detox programs, are gaining more and more on importance and build the core business of each Spa and Wellness Company.  Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Serbia, Bulgaria and other countries of Central and South-East Europe are known by their natural thermal springs with proven healing effects. Based on the natural powers they are developing unique medical and wellness treatments, thus giving the ideal platform for meeting the offer one one side and the professional demand on the other.

We are honoured to be able to once again invite the best regional providers to present their offer to tourist agencies and tour operators that are coming to SPA-CE mainly from European countries. Again, we will put a lot of effort into careful selection of the participants, giving priority to new hosted buyers that express great interest in the spa product. We are excited to be able to say that every year more than 80 % of hosted buyers are new-comers. They come with a great interest to discover new destinations, leave with new connections, experience and knowledge and return in the next years with new customers


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